What we are achievingOur mission is to promote, support and encourage women aspiring to become tour guides. We help them reach their goals through the provision of professional skills, tuition fees, transport, field gear expenses, guidance, accommodation and psychological support.
Our vision is to see an end to the gender imbalance that currently exists within the tour guide community in Tanzania.
§ Provide a meeting place for existing and aspiring female tour guides, so that they can share experiences and empower each other.
§ Offer tour guide classes for aspiring female guides (combination of theory and practice). § Provide a library so aspiring female guides can learn about Africa’s fauna and flora. § Provide a place where aspiring female guides can exercise and camp. |
§ Find funds to organize fundraising initiatives for educational support (i.e. driving experience, school fees, field practice, sleeping accommodations).
§ Assist the existing and aspiring female tour guides in their day-to-day needs as well as provide counseling and guidance to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS, STDs infection diseases and unplanned pregnancies. Other projects include:
§ Female Sanitary Pads- providing communities with reusable pads and distributing to girls in schools across Northern Tanzania § Youth Education - teaching youth about the Tanzanian wildlife and the value in protecting it § Education and Economic opportunity in rural areas- we teach and support women who need education about how to sell their own products. |